Bliss 2022
My word for 2022 is Bliss. If I learned anything over these past two years it is that time is not guaranteed in life. I am truly trying this year to do things that will bring me joy true Bliss only. Over the past two years the sadness and just upheaval in our daily lives seemed over whelming. In life I feel you have two choices complain about everything or decide to really appreciate life.
We all learned life can be taken away at any moment. So Im diving in with full force this year to put pure Bliss first. That is my word for the year. It is something I've been doing for a while having a word for the year. For myself what makes me happy is my husband, my children, my dogs and my art. The community support has been tremendous and I'm enjoying starting my home portraits again. I also love drawing my girls and other art. With a thirteen, twelve, eleven and ten year old my house is pretty nonstop hectic and ohh so much fun! I will try to soak it all in cause just like when they were little this too will pass way too fast. The empty water bottles, dirty cleats, laundry ohhh so much laundry the never ending snacks will one day all go away. Trying to see the bliss in my household everyday even in the half empty water bottles left everywhere! I hope you come up with a word for the year and get out there and live it. I spent all day yesterday uploading home portraits from last year. I randomly put some together in a collage and cannot believe how many homes I Painted. I still am amazed at all the great people I meet and the kind words on appreciating my art. Thank you for the support and here is to starting the new year following my true Bliss!

